Thursday, November 13, 2014

Gombert Parents...let your voices be heard!

State Representative
Month Day, Year

Senate Bill 16 Update
Many residents asked to be kept informed of SB16, which was referenced in several emails from Indian Prairie School District 204.  I wanted to let you know that SB16 is scheduled for a subject matter hearing on Tuesday, November 18, at3:00 PM in the Capitol.  As subject matter hearing is where the committee will only hear testimony from various individuals, both for or against the bill.   

The General Assembly provides an opportunity for testimony to be submitted by people in the community who are unable to attend a hearing.  You can also keep informed of other bills on the GA Dashboard.  

If you are interested in making sure your opinion is part of the official record for SB16, here are the steps for submitting written testimony:
  1. Go to
  2. Scroll down the page and click on GA Dashboard (in red ink along the left side of the page)
  3. Click on the Register icon and fill in your information (registration is recommended but not required)
  4. Click on House, Committee Hearings, and then on the "Month" tab
  5. Click on the piece of paper icon to the right of the listed hearing (November 18th, Appropriations- Elementary & Secondary Education)
  6. Click on Create witness slip
  7. Fill out the form
  8. In the "subject matter" portion click "proponent (in favor of)", "opponent (against)", or "no position on merits".
  9. Under "Testimony" you can have your written comments supplied to all committee members. This is optional. Interestingly, they do not accept emailed testimony. You can fax your written statement to 217-557-2165or you may mail it to Illinois State House, Room 426, 401 S. Second Street, Springfield, IL  62706. Make sure that your written testimony is clearly marked at the top of the page: SB16 Testimony, and your name.
  10. Fill in verification code
  11. Click the box to accept the terms
  12. Click Submit
*If registered, you can go back and adjust your witness slip. If you do not register, once it is submitted you may not change your witness slip.


Stephanie Kifowit
State Representative

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