Friday, May 2, 2014

Teacher Appreciation Week

Next week is teacher appreciation week! 

Gombert Teachers are the Best, Bar None!

The PTA is celebrating our Gombert staff with a week of bar themed
food and activities. Please notice the special things we have planned for
the week of May 5th - 9th.

Monday, May 5th: Cinco de Mayo Taco Bar
The PTA will be starting off the week by decorating the lounge with
colorful tissue flowers made by Gombert families and hosting a taco
bar for lunch.
Bring a fresh flower to your teacher!

Tuesday, May 6th: Snack Bar
The PTA is hosting a snack bar with energy bars, granola bars, fresh
fruit, and bottled drinks.
Write your teacher a note or a poem to enjoy with their snacks!

Wednesday, May 7th: Breakfast Bar
The PTA is hosting a staff breakfast of muffins, bagels, yogurt, fruit
and juice.
Draw a picture of your teacher!

Thursday, May 8th: Salad and Sandwich Bar
The PTA will host a make your own salad and sandwich lunch.
Bring your teacher their favorite candy bar!

Friday, May 9th: Dessert Bar
The PTA will have lunch hour desserts and a staff raffle.

Parents: send a note of appreciation to your child’s teacher!

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