Friday, October 18, 2013

Eat at Culver's to benefit Gombert!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

All Day (10 am - 10 pm)


Culver's of Aurora
Rt. 59 & 75th Street
(Across from Home Depot)

Your Culver's team and Gombert PTA are excited to invite you to come to a benefit day for Gombert school. the PTA will recieve 20% of all the sales (drive-thru, carryout and lobby) that that we bring into Culver's on Tuesday, October 22, 2013.
There will be a balloon artist creating designs between 4-8 pm. We would appreciate your support to help us raise funds for our students. Please join many teachers, staff and other Gombert families in this day of fun and community. 

Don't forget to tell your register person that you are there for Gombert and they will register your purchase for our school.

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